
Chikly VT-O_舌咽喉系統 (沒有先備條件限制)



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所、宏甫中醫診所

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2025.6.16
地點 Venue : 宏甫DNS皮拉提斯中心

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC,畢業於美國南加洲大學,從1995年即開始執業,2001年開始從事Lymph Drainage Therapy的教學工作至今,擁有20幾年的淋巴引流治療經驗,更是LDT20幾年的資深講師。於其教學的細膩與引領方式,其技法與教學口碑深受學員肯定,讓來自法國的Chikly淋巴引流課程成為詢問度極高的課程。


2019年11月Chikly LDT Lv1

2020年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1、Lv2各一班

2023年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Lv3一班

2023年12月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

2024年8月ChiklyLDT Lv1一班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

2024年11月ChiklyLDT Lv1一班、Lv3一班、腦反射BR班,Chikly LCFS-FM一班

【課程簡介】 Introduction

You will be amazed to learn how the tongue and larynx are related to so many structures in the body. You will be surprised just how many of your patients can benefit from these techniques, how many people are affected in the adult population.

Many people suffer from trauma to the larynx/pharynx.  It can come from voice overuse, direct trauma, strangulation, surgery, intubation e.g. during general anesthesia, ventilators, chronic laryngitis/bronchitis/mediastinitis, swallowing or breathing conditions, etc.

Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a condition described as having a prevalence of 5% in the general population. But because there is no standardized test or approved grading system the number may be much higher.

Many of your adult or child patients/clients can suffer from symptoms that can be alleviated from the tongue-tie protocol including headaches, neck/shoulder/upper extremity tightness, fatigue, pain/soreness, forward head posture, speech problems, feeding problems, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, teeth grinding (bruxism), crowded teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions, reflux, aerophagia, etc.

Your clients may fail to mention some of these issues as they may have accepted these issues as normal or believe there is nothing they can do about it.

In this course, you will learn to assess ankyloglossia and to work with the three constrictor muscles, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the cricoid, the thyroid cartilage, the corniculate and arytenoid cartilages, the tracheal rings, the SCM, and the esophagus in a specific protocol.

Some techniques have been shown in the cervical part of LDV Th-Abd (LDT Applications to Viscera Thorax-Abdomen).  Many new important information is given.

【課程大綱】 Outline


【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: Chikly20250616
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2025-01-11
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2025-06-15
  • 報名費:9,800 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)


l   訂單保留5,超過5未繳款,系統會自動取消訂單,若仍想完成此課程,請重新報名;或事先告知宏甫客服方便匯款的時間以便幫您保留名額。

l  因為國際課程容易受疫情因素影響而延期或取消,此課程僅限匯款。 

l   選擇ATM匯款者,虛擬帳號附於紅陽支付的郵件連結中,請在5天內繳款完畢。

l  虛擬帳號」在繳款後3-5分鐘後,您即可在官網的會員資料的「課程訂單」中,查詢到您的繳款狀態自動變更為「已繳款」

l   若需要分期者,以三期為原則,需要分期的請洽宏甫客服,會另外給您匯款分期的帳號,不是使用虛擬帳號。