
DNS Basic Course A_2025.7.20-22_台北



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2025.7.20-22
地點 Venue : 宏甫TIFAR DNS Pilates Center

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Veronika Nasslerova, MPT

Veronika earned her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic in 2007. She worked at a private Rehabilitation Center Monada in Prague between 2006 and 2014. She worked in both, an outpatient and in-patient settings, focusing on treatment of patients with various neurological, musculoskeletal and orthopaedic diagnoses as well as paediatric population. For several years, she was a lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sport. In 2011, Veronika completed a course in Vojta’s Reflex Locomotion with emphasis on treatment of adult patients. In 2013, she completed training in developmental kinesiology focused on functional assessment and treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries. She also studied the application of acupressure treatment for various neurological, orthopaedic and musculoskeletal diseases. Veronika also completed a course in Klapp‘s crawling. She specifically uses this treatment technique for children and young patients with scoliosis. She has been working at Professor Kolar’s private rehabilitation Centre of Movement Medicine in Prague since February 2015. Veronika has been teaching DNS courses in both, Czech and English languages since 2015.

        Veronika 是DNS發明人Pavel Kolar博士診所的物理治療師,除了專擅神經系統、骨科、脊椎側彎的治療外,他的患者中有許多運動員,他本身除了是查爾斯大學物理治療學士外,更是「體育與運動學院」的碩士。Veronika三年內已經來過宏甫授課多達20場,講課風格理論與實作並重,教學風格嚴謹且條理分明,深受學員肯定與喜愛。

【課程簡介】 Introduction

        改造大腦」已是未來復健治療與運動訓練的新趨勢,透過重設與矯正(Reset and Correct)大腦功能,可以達到提升運動控制能力(Motor control)、平衡身體張力、促進生理系統功能,強化運動表現、預防運動傷害等多重目的。在所有「大腦改造技術」中,動態神經肌肉穩定術(Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, DNS)無疑是最重要的技術。 

   DNS是由巴柏.柯勒博士(Pavel Kolar)以「發展肌動學(Developmental kinesiology)」為基礎所研發出來的「神經肌肉系統治療法」。為何DNS的理論來自幼兒發展過程?從神經生理的角度來看,控制人體姿勢、運動與步態的所有「程式」都是由神經系統所「編寫」。因此,「動作控制(Motor control)」程式是否正常,對人體功能與身體健康有莫大影響。DNS就是一種藉由擺位(Positioning)、刺激關鍵點(Stimulation of key zones)與阻力運動(Resistance exercise),用以激發大腦「重設與矯正」人體控制程式的革命性療法。人體動作的控制程式大部份在出生後的第一年就發展完成,意即:就正常幼兒來說,出生第一年的神經系統,就像剛組裝完成的「全新電腦」,此時功能與效率最好、所有「應用程式」也處於最佳狀態。因此


    柯勒博士分別擔任布拉格學院布拉格「查理大學.第二醫學院.復健與體能訓練系」之院長與系主任。曾任教於查理大學的學者,都是二十世紀神經醫學與復健醫學巨擘,包括Vaclav VojtaKarel LewitVladimir Janda Frantisek Vele等人。儘管柯勒博士追隨Vojta多年並深受影響,但是DNSVojta療法卻有截然不同的發展,兩者最大差異在於:DNS將發展肌動學、反射性運動療法(Reflex locomotion)JandaLewit等學者的理論予以整合並做最全面的開發DNS不僅適用於兒童與成人,更能廣泛應用於神經系統疾、肌肉骨骼系統疾病,以及運動傷害的治療與預防。藉由改變大腦動作控制流程,DNS可以全面啟動「整合性穩定系統(Integrated stabilizing system)」,達到強化身體功能、促進神經發育、消除疼痛與預防傷害等目的。DNS與其它復健技術大不同在於:DNS不只是一種「治療方法」,更是一套「整體性治療策略(Overall strategy)!透過DNS訓練,可以讓治療人員在探討病源、評估病患,擬定復健與訓練計劃時,有全新的思維與做法。

【課程大綱】 Outline

 ★★★Basic A Course 課程大綱★★★

● Course attendees will have a clear understanding of:
• Developmental kinesiology basic principles; ontogenesis during the first year of life, relationship between early ontogenesis and pathology of the movement system in adulthood 
• Primitive reflexes, postural activity, postural reactions: its importance in assessment, early identification of abnormal development
• Assessment of newborn and babies during the first year of life, developmental age determination, practical & video demonstration
• Assessment of spinal, chest and pelvic stabilization, assessment of breathing stereotype using the DNS tests. Advanced modification of the DNS tests, practical details in clinical evaluation. Practical demonstration of adult patients.
• Basic principles of reflex locomotion and its application within the DNS: RT1, RT2, RC and 1st position
• DNS therapeutic approaches training optimal sagittal core stabilization. DNS active exercise based on reflex locomotion principles and developmental positions. Review of the basic treatment positions demonstrated in course “A”, demonstration and practical workshop of advanced positions & modifications.
• How to integrate the DNS with other rehabilitation approaches: myoskeletal mobilization and relaxation techniques
• Cortical function & dyspraxia: assessment of body scheme; how to integrate cortical control within the DNS training.
• Patient’s education and DNS self-treatment.
• Parent’s education in proper baby handling
● Course attendees will possess:
• Skills to utilize basic and advanced tests to evaluate the stabilizing system of the spine and breathing stereotype
• Skills to integrate basic principles of reflex locomotion within the DNS techniques
• Skills to utilize advanced developmental positions in active treatment of the stabilizing system of the spine and in patient’s education
• Skills to determine developmental age and recognize signs of abnormal early development
• Skills to assess quality of cortical function
• Skills to integrate developmental principles within other rehabilitation approaches. 
 With the above knowledge and skills, the attendee should be able to clinically apply these principles for:
• Treatment of functional pathology of the locomotor system including vertebrogenic and radicular pain & painful syndromes resulting from chronic overload
• Treatment of functional pathology of the locomotor system resulting from poor early development.
• Proper handling of babies
★★★2021年3月Basic A Course三個班實際上課的情形

★★★Basic A course 教學進度與內容★★★

08:30~09:00 報到
09:00~10:30 Basic Principles Developmental Kinesiology, Ontogenesis (I)
10:30~10:45 休息
10:45~12:15 Basic Principles Developmental Kinesiology, Ontogenesis (Ⅱ)
12:15~13:30 午餐&休息時間
13:30~15:30 Ideal and pathological models Stabilization of Spine, Trunk and Pelvis in Sagittal Plane, Breathing stereotype
15:30~15:45 休息
15:45~17:00 Assessment principles Stabilizing system of the spine: DNS postural tests
08:30~09:00 報到
09:00~10:30 Basic principles Basic postural stabilization assessment and treatment principles
10:30~10:45 休息
10:45~12:15 Postural stabilization  Basic supine positions corresponding with developmental positions assessment and treatment/self-treatment principles: theory and demonstration
12:15~13:30 午餐&休息時間
13:30~15:30 Postural stabilization Basic supine positions corresponding with developmental positions: hands on workshop
15:30~15:45 休息
15:45~17:00 workshop         Postural stabilization : basic supine positions corresponding.With developmental positions: hands on
08:30~09:00 報到
09:00~10:30 Assessment and treatment/self-treatment principles:Postural stabilization : basic prone positions corresponding with developmental positions theory and demonstration
10:30~10:45 休息
10:45~12:15 Hands on workshop  Postural stabilization : basic prone positions corresponding with developmental positions
12:15~13:30 午餐&休息時間
13:30~15:30 Hands on workshop Postural stabilization: demonstration of higher positions corresponding with development between 3-4 months (Ⅰ)
15:30~15:45 休息
15:45~17:00 Hands on workshop Postural stabilization: demonstration of higher positions corresponding with development between 3-4 months (Ⅱ)

【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: DNS20250227
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2024-09-14
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2025-07-19
  • 報名費:29,800 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)








1.報名後,務必加宏甫客服Line ID: tifar,電話:0905139666,以利各項聯繫事宜


