
Chikly Brain2 : Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNS(至少完成B-1後三個月)



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2025.6.17-19
地點 Venue : 宏甫TIFAR DNS Pilates Center

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC,畢業於美國南加洲大學,從1995年即開始執業,2001年開始從事Lymph Drainage Therapy的教學工作至今,擁有20幾年的淋巴引流治療經驗,更是LDT20幾年的資深講師。於其教學的細膩與引領方式,其技法與教學口碑深受學員肯定,讓來自法國的Chikly淋巴引流課程成為詢問度極高的課程。


2019年11月Chikly LDT Lv1

2020年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1、Lv2各一班

2023年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Lv3一班

2023年12月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

2024年8月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

【課程簡介】 Introduction


        Brain 2 teaches the form, function, and response mechanisms of the brain's various components and offers hands-on techniques to effectively release many primary restrictions that can affect the whole body. In this class, we will learn different ways to find a primary lesion in the brain, and we will focus a little more on the spinal cord's grey and white matter. 


  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to alleviate physical symptoms of Reticular Alarm System hyperactivity
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly assess on a live person fluid dysfunctions of the Ventricles
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release dysfunctions of the Corpus Callosum
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release dysfunctions of the Anterior Commissure
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly assess on a live person fluid dysfunctions of the Internal Capsule
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly assess on a live person dysfunctions of the Thalamus
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release the peduncles of the Cerebellum
  • Based on a fascia and fluid approach participants will be able by the end of the course to correctly design on a live person a proper treatment plan in relation to CNS dysfunctions
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release mechanical dysfunctions of the spinal cord
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release caudal meningeal attachments of the spinal cord
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release cephalic meningeal attachments of the spinal cord.

【課程大綱】 Outline

 Schedule (subject to change)

Day One:

9:00 - 11:00             

l   Introduction, teachers, students, teaching assistants, and facilitator. Teaching material

l   Review of some Brain level 1 techniques

l   Reticular formation (RF) / Reticular Alarm System (RAS): the median, medial and lateral column of the R

11:15 - 12:30                     

l   Ventricles of the brain: fluid assessment and treatment

l   Corpus Callosum: assessment and treatment 

2:00 - 3:30

l   Anterior Commissure: assessment and treatment

l   The commissure of the Fornix

3:45 - 5:30 

l   Basal Nuclei / Internal Capsule: motor/coordination/balance assessment.

l   Applications in motor deficit, fine motor skills. 

Day Two

9:00 - 11:00 

l   Questions and answers

l   Thalamus afferents, applications to physical body lesions

11:15 - 12:30 

Release of the superior, middle, and inferior peduncles of the cerebellum: fascia and fluid approach.

 2:00 - 3:00

 Tissue trauma and hands-on downregulation of the RAS and clinical cases

 3:00 - 3:30  

RAS Clinical cases

 3:45 - 5:30

Finding dominant lesions in the CNS: fascia and fluid approaches.


Day Three:

 9:00 - 10:30  

l   Questions and answers

l   Release of Spinal Cord tensions: fascia and fluid approach.


10: 45 - 12:45

Caudal meningeal attachments of the spinal cord: Filum terminale internum and externum


2:00 - 3:30

l   Cephalic meningeal attachments of the spinal cord: occipital and cervical dural attachments. Foramen Magnum fascial release

l   Review.

l   Take home Protocol

l   Final questions and answers

l   Self-Reflection and identification of changes for practitioner’s practice



【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: Chikly20250617
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2024-08-22
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2025-06-16
  • 報名費:30,000 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)


l   訂單保留5,超過5未繳款,系統會自動取消訂單,若仍想完成此課程,請重新報名;或事先告知宏甫客服方便匯款的時間以便幫您保留名額。

l  官方註冊費為80美金,此為代繳金額,將不列入發票開立金額,為避免匯率與外幣匯款手續費難以估算等事,註冊費統一收新台幣2500元,若要申請公司補助


l  因為國際課程容易受疫情因素影響而延期或取消,此課程僅限匯款。 

l   選擇ATM匯款者,虛擬帳號附於紅陽支付的郵件連結中,請在5天內繳款完畢。

l  虛擬帳號」在繳款後3-5分鐘後,您即可在官網的會員資料的「課程訂單」中,查詢到您的繳款狀態自動變更為「已繳款」

l   若需要分期者,以三期為原則,需要分期的請洽宏甫客服,會另外給您匯款分期的帳號,不是使用虛擬帳號。


1.報名後,務必加宏甫客服Line ID: @tifar,電話:0905139666,以利各項聯繫事宜


