
Chikly Brain1 : Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & Autonomic Nervous System_6.12-15至少完成LDT-1(台北)_尚有2個名額



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2025.6.12-15
地點 Venue : 宏甫TIFAR DNS Pilates Center

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC

Beverly Cook, LMP, LLCC, LTC,畢業於美國南加洲大學,從1995年即開始執業,2001年開始從事Lymph Drainage Therapy的教學工作至今,擁有20幾年的淋巴引流治療經驗,更是LDT20幾年的資深講師。於其教學的細膩與引領方式,其技法與教學口碑深受學員肯定,讓來自法國的Chikly淋巴引流課程成為詢問度極高的課程。


2019年11月Chikly LDT Lv1

2020年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1、Lv2各一班

2023年3月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Lv3一班

2023年12月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

2024年8月ChiklyLDT Lv1三班、Lv2一班、Brian-1一班

【課程簡介】 Introduction

The Brain Therapy Curriculum is an advanced-level course that takes us to the next realm of manual therapy. It explores the brain, spinal cord, white matter, grey matter, and also in this level brain nuclei such as corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, indusium griseum, fornix, thalamus, globus pallidus, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem, cerebellum, etc.

The body often aligns itself around these precise structures, and they are frequently unaddressed key/dominant tissue restrictions. 

The techniques presented in this Course can probably help most of your patients, but it can specifically help pathologies such as closed-head injuries, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive behavioral dysfunctions, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Students will learn specific techniques to release brain-centered restrictions as well as the damaging effects that these restrictions cause. 

Brain 1 is an advanced class that uses a slightly different paradigm by working extensively with the brain parenchyma, grey and white matter, cranial and spinal structures, rather than mainly concentrating on the cranial bones and membranes.

This work requires perceptual skills to be able to address tissue microstructures, and we will have specific exercises in the class to help build up these skills.
This class will propose different ways to release these structures, and once learned, you will understand how these structures are repeatedly one of the most important, and yet least often addressed components of somatic dysfunctions.

Many topics will be covered in the Brain Therapy classes, in general, including:

  • 1. Cranial bones (intraosseous and interosseous lesions)
  • 2. Cranial membranes in all anatomical directions
  • 3. Fluid: 3 distinct compartments
    • a. Subarachnoid spaces and cerebral cisterns
    • b. Brain parenchyma and the glymphatic system
    • c. Ventricles
  • 4. Grey Matter: 3 and 6 layered cortex and brain nuclei
  • 5. White Matter: 3 types of organization
  • 6. Electromagnetic field (EMF) of the brain
  • 7. Emotions, as well as mental or spiritual dimensions.

【課程大綱】 Outline

 LEARNER’S OBJECTIVES (Subject to Change)

 DAY 1:

  • By the end of the 1st-day participants will be able to correctly explain the scientific theory of autonomic nervous system upregulation and downregulation in relation to physical trauma
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly determine on a live person’s face or cranium at least one specific area with autonomic nervous system dysregulation
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person Brain 1 ventricles technique
  • By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one microanatomy technique


DAY 2:

  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on corpus callosum
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on fornix
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on basal nuclei
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on the thalamus
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on the hippocampus 

DAY 3:

  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on pituitary
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on mammillary bodies
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on substantia nigra
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one global technique on the cerebellum
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on the cerebellum nuclei
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person one technique on the pineal 

DAY 4:

  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate universal rhythm techniques on the brain
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate how to release the brain mobility
  •  By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate how to release the spinal cord mobility

【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: Chikly20250612
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2024-08-22
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2025-06-19
  • 報名費:34,000 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)


l   訂單保留5,超過5未繳款,系統會自動取消訂單,若仍想完成此課程,請重新報名;或事先告知宏甫客服方便匯款的時間以便幫您保留名額。

l  官方註冊費為80美金,此為代繳金額,將不列入發票開立金額,為避免匯率與外幣匯款手續費難以估算等事,註冊費統一收新台幣2500元,若要申請公司補助


l  因為國際課程容易受疫情因素影響而延期或取消,此課程僅限匯款。 

l   選擇ATM匯款者,虛擬帳號附於紅陽支付的郵件連結中,請在5天內繳款完畢。

l  虛擬帳號」在繳款後3-5分鐘後,您即可在官網的會員資料的「課程訂單」中,查詢到您的繳款狀態自動變更為「已繳款」

l   若需要分期者,以三期為原則,需要分期的請洽宏甫客服,會另外給您匯款分期的帳號,不是使用虛擬帳號。


1.報名後,務必加宏甫客服Line ID: @tifar,電話:0905139666,以利各項聯繫事宜


