
DNS進階工作坊_脊椎與肋廓活動度 Spine and Ribcage Mobility(2024.11.12-13,限完成DNS Basic A+B或完成EX1+2),Veronika



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所、宏甫DNS皮拉提斯中心

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2024.11.12-13
地點 Venue : 台中宏甫國際中心(台灣大道二段285號23樓)

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Veronika Nasslerova, MPT

 Veronika earned her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic in 2007. She worked at a private Rehabilitation Center Monada in Prague between 2006 and 2014. She worked in both, an outpatient and in-patient settings, focusing on treatment of patients with various neurological, musculoskeletal and orthopaedic diagnoses as well as paediatric population. For several years, she was a lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sport. In 2011, Veronika completed a course in Vojta’s Reflex Locomotion with emphasis on treatment of adult patients. In 2013, she completed training in developmental kinesiology focused on functional assessment and treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries. She also studied the application of acupressure treatment for various neurological, orthopaedic and musculoskeletal diseases. Veronika also completed a course in Klapp‘s crawling. She specifically uses this treatment technique for children and young patients with scoliosis. She has been working at Professor Kolar’s private rehabilitation Centre of Movement Medicine in Prague since February 2015. Veronika has been teaching DNS courses in both, Czech and English languages since 2015.

        Veronika 是DNS發明人Pavel Kolar博士診所的物理治療師,除了專擅神經系統、骨科、脊椎側彎的治療外,他的患者中有許多運動員,他本身除了是查爾斯大學物理治療學士外,更是「體育與運動學院」的碩士。Veronika數年內已經來過宏甫授課屬不清的場次,講課風格理論與實作並重,教學風格嚴謹且條理分明,深受學員肯定與喜愛。

【課程簡介】 Introduction


Spine and Ribcage Mobility 

DNS強調脊椎與肋骨活動度對於身體穩定性的關鍵角色。在正常的生理情況下,呼吸橫膈與骨盆橫膈應該保持相互平行,吸氣時橫膈下降的同時,脊椎會被拉開與延展,肋骨也會做出相對應的動作。肋骨會向外展開並向上抬升,這個動作被稱為「肋骨桶擴展」(rib cage expansion)。具體來說,肋骨在呼吸過程中發生的兩個主要動作是:

一、泵柄運動(Pump-handle movement):上部肋骨(第1-6根)會向前和向上移動,這種運動類似於水泵的把手上下擺動,從而增加前後胸腔的空間。

二、桶柄運動(Bucket-handle movement):中部和下部肋骨(第7-10根)向外側和上方擴展,像提起水桶的把手,從而擴大胸腔的側向空間。


- 髖關節與腰椎的功能聯結及動作時機

- 胸椎的立直與中胸段的分節運動,側屈及旋轉

- 改善肋骨活動性的呼吸練習

- 頸椎與肩帶的功能聯結

- 矢狀面穩定的復習與工作坊


【課程大綱】 Outline

 Utilizing DNS to stimulate optimal movement efficiency

  •     Hip and Lumbar spine (functional interlinking, timing of movement ) 
  •     Thoracic Spine (Uprighting, segmental movement in mid thoracic spine, lateroflexion, rotation)
  •     Breathing Exercises to improve ribcage mobility
  •     Cervical spine and shoulder girdle ( functional connection between girdle and cervical and thoracical spine during movement)
  •     Review of Sagittal Stabilization - Workshopping 

DNS Movement Sequence

  •     Starting from “Ipsilateral” - Supine
  •     Starting from “Contralateral” – Prone
  •     Fluent Spine movement in three planes

【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: DNS20241112
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2024-08-05
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2024-11-11
  • 報名費:18,000 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)