
DNS肌力訓練 Strength Training-1 _2025.7.6-8(不需具備DNS基礎)



主辦單位 : 宏甫顧問有限公司、台灣復健發展學會
協辦單位 : 宏甫物理治療所、TIFAR DNS Pilates Center

【上課日期/地點】 Date/Venue

日期 Date : 2025.7.6-8
地點 Venue : 宏甫DNS皮拉提斯中心

【講師介紹】 Instructor

Jakub Novak

Jakub Novak博士,除了在Pavel Kolar的運動醫學中心工作外,也任教於查爾斯大學第二醫學院,更是捷克國家標槍隊、曲棍球隊、定向隊的隨隊物理治療師。他個人本身也是一個頂尖的曲棍球員。

Jakub Novak博士,在2020年12月曾到台灣教授二場 DNS EXERCISE-1課程,在2023年5月更教授了二場DNS Movement Flow,他最擅長之處即在於以生物力學來講解動作,讓所有的動作都非常具有邏輯性,深受台灣學員喜愛的布拉格講師。而在DNS Movement Flow的捷克起身式中所展現的肌力訓練模式,更是讓大家期待DNS Strength Training系列的引進。

Jakub Novák completed his Master’s degree at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University.  He attended an internship at  a sports clinic Do Dragao  in Portugal for one month. Jakub has been working at Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Clinic, University Hospital Motol in Prague as a physiotherapist  since 2016. In 2018, he started teaching students of physiotherapy and medicine at the 2ndFaculty of Medicine at Charles University.In 2018 Jakub became a physiotherapist at  Professor Kolar’s private Centre of Movement Medicine located in Prague (http://www.cpmpk.cz). 

Jakub has been appointed team physiotherapist for the Czech National Hockey Team and Czech National orienteering Team since 2013. He has been evaluating and treating elite athletes on daily basis also traveling with the teams for International World Championships. In his work with professional athletes Jakub focuses on treatment, prevention and enhancement of sports performance. Jakub is specialized in the functional assessment and treatment of older children, young athletes, sports adults and professional athletes.

He is a certified instructor for “Kolar´s Approach to Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization:

A Developmental Kinesiology Model” He taught numerous courses both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as in other European countries.

Jakub completed his PhD from Charles University. His Ph.D. topic is Objectification of postural function of abdominal muscles and intraabdominal pressure in patients with low back pain. One of the main objective of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization approach.

【課程簡介】 Introduction

DNS Strength Training_DNS肌力訓練系列概述

DNS is a comprehensive explanation of movement and function. Its principles, exercises, and assessments are highly effective in the clinical setting. DNS, however, has powerful application in the sports/performance and strength training professions. The DNS strength training track is designed to help coaches, athletes, and medial professionals effectively apply DNS to the strength training profession. These courses are for anyone who uses strength training in their profession, be it a coach, an athlete, or a rehab professional.

The DNS Strength Training track is broken up into 3 primary courses with accessory courses offered as well. The 3 primary courses (DNS-ST1, DNS-ST2, and DNS-ST3) will expose attendees to DNS - its principles (functional joint centration, sagittal stability, developmental kinesiology, etc.), assessments, and exercises based in developmental kinesiology. It will also then apply these to traditional strength training, which will be accomplished via lecture, demonstration, and workshop to ensure that all attendees who complete the full track will be able to effectively apply DNS to strength training.  

Whether you are a coach wanting to gain a better understanding of movement or a clinician who integrates strength training into the rehabilitation process, these courses are designed for you.

DNS Strength Training-1課程簡介

DNS-ST-1 is an introductory course designed for both strength training and medical professionals with the singular focus of equipping attendees with the skills to effectively apply the powerful concepts of DNS to traditional strength training movements such as pressing, pulling, hinging and squatting. In this course, all of the exercises are bilateral and symmetrical (e.g. double arm kettlebell swing vs. single arm swing). It is an entry-level course; as such, no prior DNS experience is required to attend. This course is perfect for anyone who consistently uses these movements in their personal and professional lives.  

【課程大綱】 Outline

DNS Assessments 評估測試

【課程資訊】 Course information

  • 課程編碼 Course Code: DNS20240521
  • 報名起始日 Registration start date:2024-06-16
  • 報名截止日 Registration deadline:2025-07-05
  • 報名費:29,800 元(新台幣New Taiwan Dollar)



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